Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Whew!!!! That was a close one!!! :)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Fun at Pawleys Island....

We're here & we are having a great time (of course)!!!

T. is addicted to the boogie board...he spent ~8 hrs on one today, should sleep really well! The cousins are all getting along really well and having fun playing on the beach. We're anxiously watching TS Faye...hoping she doesn't make her way up this way and rain on our far every day the forecast gets better for us :) Happy!

Ok, off to help with's a picture of the cousins in the pool...I mean, bathtub...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

He knows....

Just look at him...he knows we're about to leave him for a week of fun at the beach. Poor Oakley!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cute - couldn't wait...

Ok, Ok, this is supposed to be T.'s week of posts..but these were cute so I had to share :) All pictures taken last weekend at GiGi's, one of the last times we'll see A. & Z. for a while since they are moving to Colorado Springs in a few weeks...

Nana & Z...check out those legs!

My sweet T.

T. & Z.

"What choo lookin' at?"

New post from T. soon, I promise...we didn't get to it last night because we decided to go to the river again and didn't make it home until late.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

T.'s Week In Pictures - Day 1

T. just got a new kids digital camera and is having fun taking pictures of everything..yes, everything. So, this week, it's T.'s turn to share his thoughts and photo's. Here we go, straight from T.'s mouth -

I took a picture of red, white and blue so everyone who doesn't know can know now that this is our flag.
I took a picture of myself and put it in the computer and then I went upstairs and played on the computer.
I was taking a picture of my dad mowing the lawn and I almost fell out of the seat.
The DHL truck came by and I took a picture of it while it was driving and the door was open. Why is the door open?