Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Rocky Start...

..but an amazing finish! T. had his first day of Kindergarten yesterday and while the morning was a little rocky with lots and lots of tears and clinging to legs, he came home to report that it was FUN! He loves Ms. F. (his teacher), and even said that he wants to "live at Kindergarten!"

Today was great, no tears, no clinging. Just kisses for R. & I and a simple waive along with "Bye!"

It's going to be a great year!!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Final days of summer...

Well, here we are..the last day of summer (according to the school system & the pool). We spent the last few days enjoying the pool and playing until dark, eeking out every bit we could since school starts tomorrow. T.'s first day of Kindergarten...can't believe it's actually here! He still seems so small, it's hard to believe we are packing him up and sending him off to school on the cheese-wagon! I think T. is more ready for this than I am...actually I know he is. I'm a wreck.

Oh is a picture of T. & his "best girlfriend" H. at the pool on Monday....