Thursday, May 15, 2008

Flowers Everywhere!

I love May. All of my pretty flowers in bloom, best of all the Peonies! It makes me sad that a flower so beautiful only blooms once a year and only lasts a few weeks. I have two peonies in my yard, though I think I'll be planting more since they are my favorite flower and they seem to like the sunny disposition of my yard. I usually don't like to cut my flowers, but for some reason I can't help myself with the peonies...I feel like I have to bring them inside so that I can enjoy them. Needless to say, right now I have them everywhere.

A bunch on the kitchen table..

Some on the windowsill (btw, so glad I can't bring myself to get rid of interesting glass bottles, even though R. teases me)...

And don't forget the bathroom...

I should probably have fresh cut flowers all of the time, for some reason it inspires me to clean...or maybe I just need a housekeeper.

I also got this lovely gift from my sweet baby T. for Mother's Day...he picked it out himself and it's beautiful!

And, last but not least...T.'s strawberries, which are doing really well! Must be all of the rain we've been having..

1 comment:

Hurrayic said...

Gorgeous peonies. They are one of my favorite types of flowers - I need to plant some bushes next year.