Monday, March 24, 2008

Dad update

Dad had his cardiac cath procedure today by a doctor who had an uncanny resemblance to Doogie Howser, MD. I thought I'd share the update here since it's so hard to call everyone.

The procedure took a little over 2 hours and they found that this is apparently his 2nd heart attack (he doesn't display "normal" symptoms for whatever reason). They inserted 3 stents into the main vessel leading into the heart to open it back up again (this was where the clot was). He was in good spirits after the procedure - obviously looking a little pale and uncomfortable, but the doctor says he might be able to go home tomorrow. Isn't that amazing...were they not just mucking around inside his arteries?
While your reading this, take a minute of your time to learn how to reduce your chances of heart attack by reading the ABC's of Preventing Heart Disease, Stroke and Heart Attack at the American Heart Association's website.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, how scary! I'm happy to hear your pops is doing better. It IS amazing what doctors can do and how quickly you can go home! Sending happy thoughts...