Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I'm still here...

Yes,'s been days..I know.

R. ended last week with a lovely case of the flu, and ended up quarantined in the master bedroom Friday through Sunday. T. & I kept our distance from him, and only sent food and drink up in plastic cups and paper plates...which so far (knock wood) seems to have been a good choice for us. I'm sure it didn't hurt that I completely disinfected the first floor of the house Friday night, and actually used up every last bit of Lysol (don't worry, we quickly ran out and bought more on Saturday morning). So, after several days of Tamiflu and boring upstairs television, R. recovered and has joined us downstairs again.

I've been super busy this week in a class, this is actually the first time I've logged in this week! I'll tell you more about my class later this week...I dont want to jinx myself. I will tell you this...the class is intense, I am in class from 8am-6pm every day, and I am ready for it to all be OVER! It will all be over Friday, so I'll write more then.

Ok, back to studying...hmmmph...

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